RA Cylinder Carbide Burs

RA Cylinder Carbide Burs

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cylinder flat-end dental carbide burs contra-angle

Wholesale prices of RA Cylinder carbide burs online

  • Contra-angle, Cylinder cross-cut, flat-end
  • Package:5pcs per box
  • 15pcs minimum, free shipping
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Product Description

RA Cylinder Fissure Cross-Cut bur:

The RA burs are high-speed cutting burs that can be used with a high-speed headpiece.

The flat-end cylinder carbide burs have long self-life and are corrosion resistant.

They can be used in cavity prepetition tooth cutting and trimming.


The RA crylinder carbide burs are used in the Preparation of inlay/Onlays. They also used to Cut bone and section teeth

cylinder cross-cut carbide burs dental order chart

Additional Information

Order No.

R556, R557, R558, R559, R560, R561, R562, R563
